Anatel certification: what products they need and how to do!

Do you know the importance of Anatel and its certification? 

According to Brazilian law, all telecommunications products must have a Certificate of Conformity issued by a Designated Certification Body (OCD) to be properly marketed. 

This document helps consumers and regulatory bodies know that the products marketed meet certain standards of quality, safety and performance. 

Master is an OCD accredited by Anatel, which allows us to certify telecommunications products throughout Brazil. It is safe to say that we have a certain experience in the subject, after all, we have been in this business since 2006.

Therefore, in this article, we want to explain the role of Anatel and its certification, explaining which products make the necessary document and how to perform this process. Ready to learn more about it? 

Looking for a reliable OCD to certify your products with Anatel? The Master can help.Visit our website now.

What is Anatel and its certification?

The National Telecommunications Agency, or simply Anatel, is a regulatory and supervisory body of the telecommunications sector in Brazil. 

She works as an independent administrator, which aims to guide companies in the industry and ensure that their operation is within the standards. 

One of the ways she can do this is through certifications. Anatel certifications are documents that attest that a particular product complies with national regulations.

To achieve a certification from Anatel, the product undergoes rigorous safety and performance tests. Only after attest that the product, in fact, performs well under certain conditions, can it be marketed in Brazil. 

That is, for a product to reach the market, it needs, first of all, the endorsement of Anatel and its certification. 

What are telecommunications products?

Telecommunications products are all those that promote the sending or reception of information through an electromagnetic process that can, or may not, be done through wires. 

It is important to note that, while there is no specific list of all the products that anatel needs and its certification, there are criteria to delimit which products need to go through the approval process. 

They are divided into two categories: by technology, i.e. whether the equipment has technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and radio transmission. 

Or, by components, which refers to products that have, for example, cables and connectors indispensable for their operation. 

Some of the products that need homologation are:

  • Cell phones;
  • Batteries and chargers for mobile phones;
  • Restricted radiation transceivers;
  • XDSL modem;
  • Among others.

To learn more about products that require approval by Anatel, read this article on the Master blog.  

anatel certification

How to certify a product at Anatel?

If you have a reliable OCD, the certification process happens in a simple and uncomplicated way, after all, it is the role of this agency to communicate between your company and Anatel. 

Usually, if you want to certify a product at Anatel, you need to follow the following steps:

Define the product to be certified and make the preparation of the technical requirements

It is important that the company defines which product to be approved. Then, it is necessary to elaborate the technical requirements, which can be checked in the Reference List of Products for Telecommunications.

Next, it is important that the company chooses the laboratory to perform the tests. Remember that the laboratory must meet the requirements set out in Act No. 4091, otherwise the quality of the tests may be affected and the certification invalidated. 

Submit the documentation

The company must submit documents relating to the process. They are divided into three main topics:

  • Concerning the applicant for the approval;
  • Product-related
  • Referring to the manufacturer

Perform the tests and issuance of technical reports

The chosen laboratory will then make the conformity assessment and carry out the dispatch of the Certificate of Conformity. 

If the tested appliance does not meet the requirements, the laboratory will dispatch the Non-Conformity Reports by the OCD.

The documents are then evaluated and, if everything is correct, the shipment of the documentation for approval is released. 

These documents can be divided into three categories:

  • Certificate of Conformity;
  • Test Report;
  • Documentation: Applicant, Product and Manufacturer.

Publish the certificate

Finally, the Certificate of Homologation is published in the Certification and Homologation System in the ANATEL Mosaic.

How do I know if a product is approved by Anatel?

Knowing if a particular product has passed through Anatel and its certification is an important step for consumers. After all, as you can see, this certification is the only way to ensure that the product is safe to use and, more than that, is compatible with the technologies present in the Brazilian market. 

To know, therefore, if a product is approved by Anatel, the consumer can check the product consultation page, on the agency's own website. 

How do I know if the Anatel seal is fake?

The easiest way to verify the veracity of the Anatel seal is by typing the number provided on the packaging on the product consultation page, on the website of the National Telecommunications Agency itself.

There, you can investigate whether the number provided actually exists and whether the information matches the product at hand. 

Read also: Industry 4.0: what it is, challenges and key technologies.

Advantages of having the Master for Anatel certification

Since 2006, Master Certifications has been working as a body designated by Anatel to function as a Designated Certification Body, or OCD. 

Since then, we have helped several companies to achieve the certification and homologation of their products in the Brazilian market, contributing to the safety and quality of the products of the segment. 

Our team is composed of technical experts, all very experienced and well prepared to minimize errors in the approval process and facilitate communication between your company and Anatel.

To learn how we can help, visit our website and check out all our services! 

anatel certification

Conclusion: Anatel Certification

Anatel and its certification serve to make the telecommunications products market safer for consumers, ensuring that the items marketed meet certain quality standards. 

Companies that import or sell telecommunications products without the properly certified Anatel run the risk of having their goods seized, in addition to paying severe fines. 

If you want to avoid this headache, you need a reliable OCD that handles the certification procedures in a simple and uncomplicated way. Since 2006, that's exactly what Master does! 

To learn more about Master's certification service, visit our website and contact one of our experts. 

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