Official Letter 83/2024 ANATEL – Definition of deadline for cyber security reports in CPE

Important notice to our customers regarding ANATEL approval of CPE equipment!

Following the recent release of Official Letter 83/2024 by ANATEL, we wish to clarify the new deadlines and procedures for the submission of test reports concerning cybersecurity safety requirements for CPE equipment. This letter serves as a complement to Act No. 2436, which mandates specific tests for CPE and comes into effect on March 27 this year.

Temporary Flexibility in Test Report Submission

  1. Preliminary Homologation without Complete Report: CPE products with acceptance registered with the Designated Certification Body (OCD) by March 9, 2024, can be homologated without the immediate presentation of the compliance test report required by Act No. 2436/2023. However, the OCD must register this condition in RACT and formally inform the applicant that the complete reports must be submitted to ANATEL by July 6, 2024. Otherwise, the Homologation Certificate may be suspended.
  2. Option for an Alternative Procedure: This procedure offers an alternative to the homologation applicant. When choosing it, it’s necessary to attach to the request a declaration committing to:
    • a) Submit the supplementary tests for evaluating cybersecurity requirements within the deadline set by ANATEL.
    • b) Carry out the market withdrawal or recall of marketed units, according to consumer protection legislation, in case of identified non-conformance in the supplementary tests.

Master’s Recommendation to Customers

Master advises that, the customers complete projects already including the required cybersecurity safety tests. Opting for the alternative procedure requires the mandatory submission of tests by July 6, 2024, and, in the event of non-conformities, the execution of a recall of the products already marketed.

This step forward emphasizes the importance of compliance and safety of CPE equipment, aligning with regulatory requirements and protecting both manufacturers and consumers

Access the full document: Act No. 2436 of March 7, 2023

Click on the link and access Official Letter 83/2024 in full: Official Letter No. 83/2024/ORCN/SOR-ANATEL

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