Technology in Education: Check out the Benefits, Trends and Market!

Every year, more innovations come to transform the education sector. Therefore, technology in education has never been more present in the day-to-day school. 

New behaviors, such as the use of smartphones in the room, are indications that traditional methodologies need to undergo updates. In this sense, it is essential to deepen the debates that address the technological trends for the segment.

Whether from the pedagogical point of view or from a business perspective, the fact is that these advances present countless opportunities for all. Follow the following the content we have prepared on the subject. Check out! 

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What is the role of technology in education?

To understand the importance of technology in education, we need to talk about its role in this context. Among other functions, technological tools have strengthened the connection of students with the learning environment. 

That is, the classroom becomes an attractive place, which relates to the interests of students — born in a totally digital medium. 

In addition, the use of technologies in the educational environment favors the approximation of students with the content taught. The tools can increase students' engagement and commitment to their own learning.

Finally, the role of technology does not only affect the routine of students. They also serve to facilitate the work of teachers, who can convey programmatic content more clearly. 

What are the benefits of technology in education?

Now that you understand the role of technology in education, benefits also need to be cited. Even if the routine in the classroom becomes more fluid and less dull, technological tools do not replace the relationship of students and teachers.

This is because teachers are responsible for mediating and monitoring the application of these technologies in a favorable way to the teaching process. When this is done efficiently, the benefits collected are:

  • interactive and dynamic classes;
  • personalization of teaching;
  • help in the development of distinct skills;
  • greater incentive to creativity;
  • better use of class time;
  • growth in student productivity.

What are the technologies in education?

technology in education what are

See below the different technological resources that can improve the teaching-learning process. 

Immersive virtual environments

You can offer experiences that mix the real world with the virtual, through digital images and augmented reality devices. 

Such immersive environments promote interactive learning among students. There are museums and parks, for example, that feature 360º virtual tours, so students from all over the country can learn and have fun, without having to leave the classroom. 

Communication tools

There are numerous tools that facilitate communication between those involved in the educational environment. Social networking is a great example of how students can work on content viewed in the classroom in a dynamic and shared way.

On the other hand, instant messaging apps —WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. —bring contact between families and school closer together, making it easier to exchange important information. 

Work tools

Any application or program that helps you perform school tasks and file organization. 

Features such as cloud storage, text, photo, video, and audio editing tools are widely used by students and teachers when it comes to streamlining educational processes.

Experimentation tools

The technologies used in the school environment also contribute to position the student as the protagonist of their own learning. 

Robotics kits, audiovisual production platforms and programming are good examples of tools that stimulate students' autonomy. 

Learning platforms

Avas (Virtual Learning Environments) are platforms that enable the sharing of content between teachers and students, so that their development can be monitored, individually. 

Technology trends in education

The whole world is experiencing the 4th Industrial Revolution. Its impacts and changes affect all sectors of the market, including the educational one. 

However, the transition from a traditional teaching model to a more technological one cannot happen abruptly. The new formats need time to be properly absorbed by both students and teachers.

In this respect, there are already some innovations being implemented in school environments throughout Brazil. The main trends are:

  • Big data and artificial intelligence: Using computers capable of storing vast amounts of data provides personalized learning. Each student has a pace of study, which can be optimized according to their needs;
  • Virtual and augmented reality: they represent complete immersion in an environment that does not exist. In the educational context, it enables interactive learning, such as gamification — it uses culture to achieve specific goals;
  • Internet of Things: With IoT, you can interconnect objects over the Internet makes it easy to manage remote or hybrid classes.

How to invest in technology in education in Brazil?

technology in education how to invest

Until recently, our educational system was very analog. However, with the Coronavirus pandemic and the implementation of measures of social distancing, technological solutions were emerging that would allow teaching-learning remotely.

In this sense, there was a strong growth of investments in the technology sector focused on education. 

Several distance learning and software businesses aimed at creating virtual environments have received financial support that exceeds $200 million in recent years. 

So if you want to bet on this segment, the timing would no longer be opportune. 

However, it is worth noting that, to start a business of communication technologies in Brazil, it is necessary to regularize the devices and services offered with Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency).

This regulatory body is responsible for ensuring that providers are offering quality products and services to consumers. Therefore, try to find out about the Anatel Certification before starting your venture in the sector.

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As you have seen, technology in education is in wide development in Brazil. 

They offer numerous advantages for students and teachers —classroom interaction and more dynamic tasks, for example—and present great business opportunities. 

However, it is essential to look for ways to regularize any technology-oriented business before starting activities in the country. This can be done with Anatel, with the help of an OCD (Designated Certification Body)."

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