Cybersecurity: understand now what it is, key types and importance

Every day, we provide important data to online shopping companies such as credit card numbers and others. 

It is from this information that companies can identify the profile of the consumer, their needs and thus offer better quality products and services.

Therefore, it is critical that this data is protected from cyber attacks. The same should be done with sensitive business information. 

In this context, cybersecurity comes in. This is a guarantee that this information may only be accessed by authorized persons. 

Want to understand more about it? Check out the following content!

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What is cybersecurity?

This term represents a set of actions and strategies aimed at protecting machines, programs and networks from intrusions. 

This can ensure that sensitive information is breached or leaked to the public from cyber attacks.

Such attacks are often done with the intention of accessing servers, hijacking data, stealing passwords, or even defrauding financial transactions.

It is common, however, to confuse this concept with that of information security. In the following topic, we'll explain how cybersecurity works, so you understand your differences.

How does cybersecurity work?

According to a survey conducted by Netscout, Brazil ranks 2nd in the ranking of countries most exposed to cyberattacks.

We have suffered more than 400,000 attempts at raids and attacks on Distributed Server Denial (DDoS), leaving the country behind only the United States.

However, to reverse this scenario, a study published by Valor Investe showed that more than half of Brazilian companies are willing to invest in cybersecurity.

To do this, it is necessary to create a specific financial planning for the IT (Information Technology) sector in order to stipulate data security policies. Among the possible actions, we can highlight:

  • vulnerability analysis and intrusion testing;
  • implementation of security platforms to control, monitor and neutralize network threats;
  • protection systems for wi-fi and bluetooth networks;
  • strengthen the shielding of the company's sensitive data. 

Types of cybersecurity

cybersecurity types

In general, we can define cybersecurity as any measure that individuals or legal entities take to protect their devices and files from cyber attacks.

There are several types of virtual attacks. For this, there are also numerous cybersecurity models. Each serves different purposes. Here are some examples of cybersecurity below.

Operational security

Regardless of the size of the company, there are few employees who have access to the organization's restricted data, with accounting and tax information.

This control is part of the operational security routine in all companies, in which they decide how to protect their information, as well as who can access it. 

If the venture fails in this respect, it exposes the business to insiders, malicious hackers who work within companies, taking advantage of inside information.

Network security

As we mentioned above, the most recurrent attacks are denial of service (DoS) and DDoS. Such attacks aim to overload the flow of data on a network, preventing its use by users.

In this hacking model, the hacker aims to steal a company's data, but uses DDoS as a "smokescreen" to prevent the IT team from containing it.

So preventing this attack like this is one of the main functions of professionals working in network security. 

Application security

In the same way that networks can suffer attacks, the applications we use daily as well. 

So cybersecurity in this context is aimed at protecting software installed on mobile machines and devices from attacks and threats.

This allows you to protect sensitive information such as access passwords, credit card numbers, and more. 

Companies that develop applications often define security protocols even before software is created. 

End-user education

In certain situations, attacks do not come from hackers or insiders. There are cases where viruses and malware are shared by unsuspecting users, who end up replicating risky behavior without knowing it.

In order to prevent the spread of malicious agents, companies investing in cybersecurity should also focus on end-user education. 

In practice, the consumer is alerted to the dangers of opening certain types of email and connecting unknown USB devices. 

Thus, it is possible to reduce the unpredictability of attacks, generated by the lack of knowledge that the average citizen has in online security.

Cloud security

Similar to network security, cloud security aims to predict threats surrounding devices that share access on the platforms of this environment.

Its goal is to prevent the leakage of unauthorized information, in addition to protecting the cloud from weaknesses. 

Another function is to identify access control weaknesses to avoid interruptions in the availability of cloud computing services.

For cloud systems, the big threats are malware and advanced persistent threats (APTs) attacks.

What is the importance of cybersecurity?

Another research that indicates the vulnerability of information from Brazilian companies was the National BugHunt Information Security Survey

According to the study, 1 in 4 companies suffers at least one virtual attack per year. This exposes security flaws, which makes it easier for attackers to take action.

So the only solution to contain so many threats is to bet on cybersecurity and information security measures in order to protect the enterprise from financial losses.

How to ensure cybersecurity in companies?

cybersecurity in companies

There is little care when we talk about cybersecurity in companies. After all, the damage caused by cyberattacks is massive for any organization.

Therefore, it is essential to establish preventive measures to prevent the leakage of confidential information as well as its sources.

This work should be done with an expert or the IT sector of the corporation. The main measures may include:

  • perform backups regularly;
  • develop access control mechanisms;
  • investment in professional antivirus solutions;
  • establish internal security policies;
  • maintain an armored network connection;
  • monitor systems;
  • promote training for the IT team.

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After understanding the general concept of cybersecurity, he saw how important it is to take effective measures to protect your business from cyber attacks.

So don't waste time and start tracing your security strategies now.

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