Augmented Reality Application: Learn 4 Examples and Learn How to Profit

The presence of technology in our daily lives is not new. In addition, it has become essential for the various activities we perform, either as a form of entertainment or as an indispensable tool for the market. 

In this context, Augmented Reality is one of these technologies, widely used in the business environment to increase profits, automate operations and win over consumers. 

When we think of the Augmented Reality application, it is important to try to understand how it works in different economic sectors. For this reason, we prepare the following content. Follow everything on the subject!

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What are the applications of augmented reality?

For simplicity, Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that enables real-world elements to interact with the virtual world. In practice, it presents two-dimensional codes, which allow the projection of virtual objects in our reality.

Based on this, it is common to see its application in technology companies, more specifically in the development of useful applications for the day to day. However, this is not the only use of AR. See below for the main applications.

1. Games

In the field of games, AR is able to explore numerous possibilities to encourage creativity and provide unique experiences to users. One of them is to stimulate the movement of the body, united to a moment of fun.

An excellent example of this is the Pokémon Go game, in which the individual uses the camera of his smartphone to view characters of the game in real locations — rooms of the house, streets, neighborhoods, shopping malls, shops, etc. Your goal is to capture these characters back to the virtual world.

Even though AR is not yet as widespread as other technologies, this game has played an essential role in its popularization.

2. Medicine

application augmented reality medicine

AR and its applications have already arrived in the medical sector. From its resources, it is possible to design the human body with its organs and systems, so that the health professional can clearly visualize its aspects, as well as adopt the best solution.

With this, a great advantage was created for the medical field from a practical point of view: safety in procedures. Thus, surgeries, clinical visits and examinations gained more precision in their execution.

3. Architecture

In the field of architecture, relying on the facilities of AR simplifies numerous procedures of architectural projects, especially in the construction stage. 

There are equipment, for example, that are already able to do the measurement of locations digitally, allowing access to this information through electronic devices, such as tablets and computers.

From this tool, professionals can develop realistic images of the work, of individual environments, so that customers can perceive the final result more clearly. 

It is an instrument that enhances the work and allows a better alignment between the ideas of the project and the expectations of the client.

4. Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is characterized by the presence of innovative technologies in its operations, such as IoT (Internet of Things),Big Data and other systems. All this allows for more efficient data collection, as well as the integration of production lines. 

In this context, AR enters as a 3D simulation tool. Although it is still in the testing phase, we can highlight its main functions:

  • employee training;
  • fault detection in advance;
  • correction of problems before delivery of the final product;
  • resource and productivity optimization.

What is the purpose of augmented reality?

In general, the purpose of this technology is to expand reality with extra information, properly aligned with the view of the individual and the real world. 

In practice, it is about "deluding" the human senses, but in a tenuous way, because the user continues to see reality as it is.

What are the benefits of augmented reality?

augmented reality app benefits

As we said above, AR already exists in the corporate world. With the evolution of technology, consumer behavior is constantly changing. Therefore, this solution represents an important ally in the customer relationship. 

This is because it helps in the engagement and loyalty of the public, in addition to providing exclusive shopping experiences. We mentioned Pokemón Go earlier to exemplify its application.

However, speaking of the theme from a more commercial perspective, we can highlight its use in the retail sector. Augmented Reality allows the customer to interact with the products virtually, enabling a better idea of their use and benefits.

Another example worth mentioning is the case of L'Óreal, which created a system that presents consumers with a possible end result of the use of their cosmetics.

This solution also makes it easy to visualize the company's internal processes, such as the maintenance routine or repair status of certain equipment. The financial sector also reapbenefits with the use of AR.

How to profit in the augmented reality market?

The application of Augmented Reality in business offers promising profit possibilities. According to the Brazilian Association of Industrial Development, investments in AR will generate profits in excess of R$370 billion

Given this data, it is not surprising that many sectors of the economy are interested in implementing this technology, such as tourism, education, marketing, medicine, retail and others.

So if you want to bet on AR, this is the time! If you don't have the resources to open your own business, another option is to invest in franchises. It is a safe and profitable alternative for those who are starting out in entrepreneurship.

What do I need to launch an augmented reality product?

To take advantage of the augmented reality application, you need to look at some aspects. One of them is the certification of telecommunications products, widely used by this technology. 

Any business that wishes to market or provide such services in Brazil must undergo the certification of Anatel – the body responsible for regulating products and communication services in brazil. 

To achieve this, it is necessary to contact an OCD (Designated Certification Body). The entity will assist you in obtaining the document, as well as in the following processes:

  • definition of the products to be approved;
  • presentation of the necessary documentation;
  • conducting emission tests and technical reports
  • publication of the certificate.

See what are the steps to obtain the Anatel Certification and how master can help you in this process!

Conclusion: Augmented reality applications

As you may notice, the application of Augmented Reality generates numerous benefits for the country's industry and economy.

This is an excellent business opportunity, but it requires the approval of Anatel to have the services regularized in Brazil.

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