Official Letter No. 102 of 2021 was published by the National Telecommunications Agency – ANATEL on June 22, 2021, which deals with Guidelines on remote auditing and remote monitoring of the performance of laboratory tests.

Considering the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) which configures a state of public health emergency of international concern and considering the possible impacts on the activities involved in carrying out audits in manufacturing units and laboratories, described in Operating Procedure for Conformity Assessment of Telecommunications Products by Certification (item 6.4 of the annex to Act No. 4083/2020), and Operating Procedure for Selection, Evaluation and Qualification of Testing Laboratories for the Purpose of Assessment of Conformity of Telecommunications Products (items 5.3.2 and 5.7.3 of the annex to Act No. 4091/2020), Anatel hereby establishes the following temporary condition and alternates to the OCD in the performance of its Audit activities:

1.1. It is exceptionally authorized to carry out remote audits by OCDs in manufacturing units and testing laboratories, in replacement of on-site audits, as well as remote monitoring of the performance of tests in laboratories that are not accredited or evaluated by third parties.

1.2. To this end, the OCD must be properly prepared to record the meeting on video and keep documented all actions and records necessary to ensure reliability in carrying out such activities remotely. It is worth mentioning that the audits and monitoring of tests must be carried out by OCD specialists duly recognized by Anatel.

2. It is worth mentioning that the audits and monitoring of tests must be carried out by OCD specialists duly recognized by Anatel

3. Finally, we inform you that the provisions of this Official Letter are valid until December 31, 2021.

Access the full document:

Access the full document:: Ofício n 102/2021/ORCN/SOR-ANATEL

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