What is Anatel? 4 Functions and How to Consult Certifications

Do you know what Anatel is? As with many people, that name is probably not strange to you. However, a large part of the population cannot say what the function of the National Telecommunications Agency is.

In a way, the agency is responsible for safeguarding consumer rights related to telecommunications services throughout the country. There are about 305 million users of mobile telephony, fixed, Internet and cable TV. 

In addition, the agency also aims to stimulate fair competition between providers of such services. 

Want to find out more about it? See how the Anatel Certification works and follow the following article!

What is Anatel?

It is an authority created in July 1997, by the General Telecommunications Law. The regulatory agency emerged as part of a process of privatization of Brazilian telecommunications.  

In addition, it is administratively neutral and financially independent. Therefore, it does not respond to any governmental agency. 

Its main objective is to implement a fair communication model in the country, which protects consumer rights and stimulates fair competition between the providers of these services. 

Why was Anatel created?

Until the end of the 1990s, TV, Internet and mobile and fixed telephony services were completely state-owned. Telebrás, a federal public company, had a monopoly on the sector. 

During this period, the problems with the provision of telecommunications services were evident: unmet demands and overpriced telephone lines. As a part, most of the lines were in classes A and B — 16% of the population.

With so many difficulties, the Federal Government decided to expand the market so that other companies could operate in the sector. Thus, the General Telecommunications Law was created, which reorganized the old model. 

From this legislation, the State would no longer provide the services and would start to re- re- ensure the quality and benefits for users and the competitiveness among the providers. This role was in charge of Anatel.  

What is the function of Anatel?

what is anatel function

Since its inception, the agency has taken on the responsibility of modernizing the telecommunications sector at the time. This involved ensuring a favorable environment for the consumer and increasing access to the services offered. 

Therefore, Anatel should establish standards for the sector; standards to be followed by providers in order to ensure the proper provision of services. 

In addition, it also authorizes the operation of new organizations, as well as the entry authorization of products linked to the segment, such as mobile phones and radio devices. 

All rules issued by the regulatory body are published in resolutions or ordinances. See below for more details on what the agency does.

1. Customer service

As you may have already noticed, Anatel seeks to maintain a very close relationship with the consumer. 

In this respect, customers of communication companies – mobile operators, for example – can make complaints against these institutions with the agency. 

Where an organization does not comply with the obligations set out in the contract, consumers are encouraged to collect their rights. 

Then, the process of opening a complaint with the agency works like this: Anatel forwards complaints to the respective companies, who receive a period of 10 working days to answer them and / or offer a solution.  

2. Product certification

Another function of the agency is to issue the certification and homologation of telecommunication products. 

To regulate the activities of the sector, such as the purchase and sale of electronic devices, the agency created a seal that confirms the regularity of the product. This badge should appear on items such as mobile phones, tablets, computers, and others. 

3. Grants

This is another important point for you to understand what is anatel. In order for new companies to be able to carry out their activities in the telecommunications industry, they need to receive authorization from the agency. This is done by dispatching grant acts.

The most common organizations in the segment are mobile and fixed telephone operators, broadband service providers, pay TV and radio frequency operations.

It is worth noting that all institutions must obtain a license to work with the regulatory body.

4. Competition solutions

So far it has become very clear that Anatel carries out different tasks. Another that is also worth mentioning are the competition solutions. They represent the administrative solutions offered to companies operating in a competitive environment.

For example: whenever a company grants the transfer of rights or control of performance in telecommunications, the entire process must be accompanied by the agency, which will regularize the situation. 

What does Anatel oversee?

After understanding what The Mission of Anatel, we will talk about what this body actually oversees. In practice, the agency monitors all communication services in Brazil, among other activities:

  • receive complaints against telephone operators, Internet, cable TV and etc.;
  • monitor internet and telephony providers, fixed and mobile;
  • regulates Internet networks.

How to consult product certification at Anatel?

what is anatel certification

As we said above, all electronic products in the telecommunications sector, marketed in Brazil, need to be approved by Anatel. 

This seal is what guarantees the quality and origin of the device, as well as the safety of the user. Therefore, before buying any device, follow the steps below to check the regularity of the product. 

Visit the Anatel website

On the Anatel page, you can do a quick search and check which products are approved:

  • select "Approved Products Consultation";
  • enter the approval number in the field "Approval No."
  • if you do not know the number of the approval, enter the name of the device in the "Model Keyword" section;
  • click "Confirm" at the end of the page.

Check the sales permission

Now that you know what anatel is, you understand well the importance of the agency for the regulation of telecommunications services and products in Brazil. 

Another way to verify that the desired item is approved by the agency is by asking the seller directly about the approval certificate. This document displays the name of the approved product, approval number and name of the licensed company. 

If the seller refuses to hand over a copy of the document, avoid closing the purchase. 


With so much information we pass on to you, there is no doubt about what anatel is, its functions, objectives and importance. 

The agency acts in the interests of the consumer, ensuring that companies follow established standards and offer the best services in telecommunications.Did you like this content? Learn how to get your Anatel Certification with Master Certifications!

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