The consequences of importing electronics without approval from Anatel

The import of products is a common practice, both for individuals and for legal entities. But have you thought about the consequences of importing electronics without anatel's approval? 

All products used in national territory must follow the standards established by the National Telecommunications Agency, since these rules seek to establish a quality standard for the operation of electronic products, attesting to their safety and performance. 

Next, we'll talk about the specifications of electronics import and the consequences that improper import can bring to consumers and businesses. Shall we go? 

Want to know how to certify a product at Anatel? Master helps you! Visit our website now to learn more about our solution. 

How to import electronic products?

To do the electronics import, you need to make contact with a reliable delivery company and calculate the taxes due for each product. 

According to the Internal Revenue Service, imports made by individuals and legal entities via the Post Office, airlines or express couriercompanies must be subject to the Simplified Taxation Regime (RTS). 

Check out the values for these imports in the next topics! 

How much is the electronic import tax?

All shipments of up to $50 dollars do not need to pay taxes as long as the sender and recipient are individuals and orders are shipped via postal service. Shipments sent by companies are subject to tax collection.

Remittances from $50 to $500 will be taxed 60% on the customs value, which is the price of the commercial invoice added to shipping and transportation insurance.

Taxation may also include ICMS with a rate proportional to the destination state. 

For international shipments that exceed $500 but are less than $3,000, the recipient must complete the Simplified Import Declaration (DSI).

In cases such as these, in addition to the 60% tax on the customs value, taxation of ICMS is mandatory. 

how much and import electronics

Electronic import fee

As you can see, there are several variables involved in the import rates of electronics in Brazil. 

The rate will vary, therefore, according to the price of the imported object, the shipping method and even the destination state of the shipment here in Brazil. 

Before performing the import, use the information in this article to calculate the total price of your shipment, also taking into account the exchange of dollars to reais. 

What are the consequences of importing electronics without anatel approval? 

There are many bad consequences for those looking to import electronic products that do not have the approval of Anatel

If you are a company, for example, your customer's product may be retained at the port of entry, generating not only serious financial losses, but deteriorating your brand's reputation with the consumer as well. 

Even if the product passes through the inspection of the Irs at the port or airport of entry, it is still subject to the inspection actions of Anatel agents in the trade, which can happen randomly in routine inspections in each state of the country.

Among the sanctions established by Resolution 242/2000, the most common are:

  • Warning;
  • Warning and Fine;
  • Fine and seal of products;
  • Fine and seizure of products.

Fines can range from R$ 100.00 to R$ 3,000,000.00 and their value will be increased by 50% (fifty percent) in cases of specific recidivism. 

The arrangements for the seizure of the equipment may be triggered by Anatel, by letter or by reasoned request of any interested party.

If the infringer does not take steps to regularize the failures that justified the seizure of the products, Anatel can destroy the seized equipment. 

Want to know how to certify a product at Anatel? Master helps you! Visit our website now to learn more about our solution. 

Learn more and more from Master Certifications, read also about industry trends 4.0!

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