Quality proven by Anatel

[:p b]seal-warranty For the eighth time, Master Certifications is within the Continuous Qualification Program (PQC) of the National Telecommunications Agency as one of the OCDs with the lowest rates of failures in the process. To promote the continuous improvement of the Certification and Homologation process of Products for Telecommunications, Anatel initiated in 2013 the Program of Continuous Quality of Designated Certification Bodies (PQC-OCD), whose objective is to evaluate the performance of ocds. The PQC sets specific targets for the maximum number of approval requirements for each OCD, which go through "Requirements" before its approval and indicates the severity of the failures. The number of requirements reflects the need to reassess the documentation resulting from some technical or documentary failure that occurred during the product conformity assessment process. To give greater transparency to the program, each quarter, the percentage of requirements analyzed by the Agency that have passed through requirements, each OCD, and the results are published on the Anatel page is computed. In the graph published by Anatel on April 25, out of a total of 114 requirements analyzed, Master Certifications appears with 2.6% of requirements whose severity is only 0.9%. PQC April-17 Remember Master Certifications for upcoming certifications and maintenance of your products. Your best option as a Certifying Body:

  • Compact structure and greater ease of communication;
  • Personalized service;
  • Technical quality aligned with Anatel concepts;
  • Low error rate in the evaluation of certification processes.

Master Team Certifications[:]

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