Anatel process query: learn how to access the information

If you've heard of Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency), you know you're a great consumer ally. It is a regulatory body, administered by the Federal Government, which aims to regulate any communication service in Brazil. 

So whenever you have a problem with telecommunications service providers —Internet service providers, mobile operators, and others—you should trigger the agency.

But how to open and do the Anatel process consultation? This is what we will show in the following content. Keep up and find out!

See how Anatel Certification works and what Master can do to help you get it!

How does process consultation work at Anatel?

As we said just above, Anatel is a regulatory agency, which requires quality services from operators, as well as satisfactory responses to each complaint made by consumers. 

To ensure that you, as a customer, have your problem solved, the agency monitors the entire process and allows you to track everything via the Internet.

Before making the Anatel process query, you need to understand how to open a complaint. To facilitate contact, the institution offers different channels:

After the complaint, you can follow the progress directly on the official channels of the agency. By phone 1331 or 1332, by the application, in the "Your Requests" section, or by the website, using your registered access login. 

However, there is also the option to monitor the process through sei. 

What is the process in sei?

The Electronic Information System is a portal for the creation of management of virtual documents and processes, created by the TRF4 (Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region) and made available free of charge to the population. 

The SEI was developed with the aim of promoting administrative efficiency in the management of judicial proceedings, including anatel complaints. 

In this way, the platform helps reduce the use of paper in the organization of institutional documents, accelerates the monitoring of democratic processes, the sharing of warnings and official events, in real time. 

What is sei for?

As we pointed out above, the SEI houses all administrative processes in the country, including those of Anatel. The execution of these actions by electronic means promotes the economy of resources, speed, greater security, transparency and agility in the procedures.

If a particular process cannot be found on the platform, it may mean that it is an old action, opened on paper and not yet converted to the digital medium. 

In this scenario, the regulatory agency allows the consultation of physical processes through Sicap (Document and Process Tracking Control System).

Who can register with sei?

Any natural person who participates in or act as an interested party in any administrative process. 

Legal entities may also be registered, provided they are represented by a natural person, body and public management entities. To do this, you need to:

  • pre-register on the official SEI website by clicking on the option "Click here if you are not registered yet";
  • fill out the form with the personal data and create a password;
  • confirm the pre-registration via e-mail;
  • send the required documents in color copy to the email;
  • wait for confirmation of registration, which may take up to 3 working days.

How to make a process consultation at Anatel by SEI?

To make a anatel process query in the SEI, just access the official page of the platform, shown earlier. It is worth mentioning that anyone, registered or not, can conduct a public search on the portal. Check out the steps below.

Step by step

The easiest and fastest way to find your process is by indicating the SEI Protocol number —consisting of 17 digits—or by entering the 7-digit Document number in the "Process Or Document No

All searches must be filtered for a specific period of time in the "Process/Document Date" option. Once this is done, just click "Search", which the desired item will appear in the results.

There are also other search modes, available for consultation in the SEI User Manual:

  • Free search: allows you to search for any word;
  • Search by interested party/sender: allows the search for a list of interested pre-registered on the platform;
  • Search by generating unit: allows the search for a certain unit of Anatel;
  • Search by type of process: allows the search for the typology of the desired process;
  • Search by document type: allows you to search for the typology of the desired document.

How do I know if a company is authorized by Anatel?

In addition to knowing how to make a consultation Anatel process, you can also check if certain company is authorized by the agency and thus avoid possible headaches.

First, go to the agency's website and look in the side menu for the "Regulated Sector" option. Then search for the term "Grant", expand the options and click on the "Authorized List" flyout.

In this section, there will be a list of all companies authorized by the regulatory body. Small companies are classified in the SCM (Multimedia Communication Service) category.

To find what you're looking for, see the list until you find the name of the organization you want. This relationship is organized alphabetically and by states/cities.

How do I know if a product is approved by Anatel?

Bought a cell phone, but not sure if it is authorized by Anatel? To check its regularity, refer to the device's IMEI — located in the case or rear of the device — and access the Legal Anatel Cellular platform

Once this is done, type the numbers in the indicator field and click "Query". The device status will appear in the search results. 

Another way to verify the authenticity of electronic products is through the Anatel Mosaic website. Check that the appliance has the seal of the regulatory agency. 

Once you find it, look at the sequence of numbers located on the badge and type this combination in the page search field. Click "Filter" and wait for all product information to appear.

Understand the process of issuing the Anatel Certification and count on master to get your semacity-free!


See how it is not difficult to make a consultation Process Anatel? Through SEI, it is possible to verify the progress of all lawsuits carried out in Brazil. 

This platform was developed to democratize public process consultation, facilitate, expedite and make more efficient the organization of official documents.

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