Anatel Antennas: What are the Rules, Monitoring and Homologation

Do you know what is the General Law Anatel Antennas? This law was enacted on April 20, 2015, but was not regulated for application until September 2020. 

Its objective is to simplify and democratize the rules for the implementation of telecommunications structures in Brazil. In this way, it will be possible to expand network coverage, in addition to improving the quality of communication services provided to the population. 

In practice, the new Regulation aims to promote digital transformation by encouraging the development of infrastructure to grant access to broadband and mobile networks to the maximum possible people. 

To this end, the decree intends to monitor recent technologies, such as the 5G network and solutions involving IoT (Internet of Things). Check out more about the following theme!

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Anatel antennas: What are the rules for implementation in Brazil?

To ensure that all municipalities and regions will comply with the rules of the new decree, Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency) has created an environment on its portal, in order to guide on the friendly installation of communication structures.

In this space, the agency also intends to share information about the adoption of measures, procedures and tools to make the installation process less bureaucratic. 

In addition, there is a standard bill, so that each city adapts it according to its needs. See below for the main implementation standards. 

Locales for network installation

The new decree establishes means to reduce the costs of deploying towers, fiber optic cables and other telecommunications equipment. This makes it easier to implement network coverage in locations that do not have this infrastructure.

Speed in licensing processes

The updated standards aim to speed up the process of installing network infrastructures. After 60 days of the application, the contracted company can begin the installation of communication structures, as observed in the legislation.

Installation standards in municipalities

Every state, municipal, or district installation work that targets the public interest — including the implementation of communication infrastructure — must be funded by federal resources, at least half. 

This standard aims to reduce costs and accelerate the expansion of coverage networks in Brazil.

Infrastructure characteristics

Small urban telecommunications infrastructures do not depend on installation licensing. 

Such structures must fit certain maximum dimensions, and must be installed in existing buildings.

These rules promote the expansion of 5G technology in the national territory.

How does Anatel monitor antennas?

anatel antennas as monitors

Another point aimed at expanding network coverage in the country, the Anatel Antenas project will also monitor mobile network traffic.

Operators should be committed to improving mobile traffic as well as their performance. To ensure that the determinations will be complied with, the agency will monitor each provider every quarter, from 3 indicators:

  1. network parameters: number of accesses in the voice and data network, falls in voice calls and data connection, congestion in long distance calls, blocks and falls in municipal calls;
  2. customer service: number of complaints against providers, volume of complaints with Anatel related to network quality;
  3. interruption of service: level of interruptions of cellular services, considering the duration of calls and the number of inhabitants per municipality (above 300,000).

If the providers do not comply with their obligations, the agency may suspend its activities in the country indefinitely. 

Anatel antennas in municipalities

Another determination that aims to democratize access to telecommunications services in Brazil, is the Project Antenas in the Municipalities.

According to the president of the regulatory agency, Leonardo Euler de Morais, the project consists of the construction of a web page of the same name, with information on communication infrastructures, with best practices to enable these services.

Antenas in the Municipalities aims to clarify to the authorities that digital communication tools are fundamental for the country's economy, as well as for social and human development. 

This fact became more evident during the Coronavirus pandemic, which required virtual solutions to meet the communication needs of the population. 

How does antenna approval work at Anatel?

anatel antennas homologation

As you have seen so far, Anatel has determined several rules to facilitate the implementation of new communication infrastructures in the country. 

However, to regularize this process, it is essential that the equipment used is approved by the agency. 

You should know that one of the agency's functions is to certify telecommunications equipment sold and used in communication services in Brazil. This aims to ensure the quality and safety of users.

In this sense, Anatel divides the equipment into different categories, but all must pass through the homologation. See below.

Category I products

Devices intended for the final consumer or that will be used by the general population to access telecommunications services. In this category are landlines and mobile phones, UTP, STP, with or without shielding and telephone wires.

Category II products

Included are products used in the transmission of radio signals, such as antennas, radars, transmitters and other restricted radiation communication equipment. 

Category III products

They represent all products that do not fit into the previous categories, but that ensure the operationality of telecommunications networks and services. They are the coaxial cables, splitter and Internet network connectors.

The approval process involves tests carried out in laboratories, in order to prove the quality and safety of the equipment, which must be in accordance with the determinations of the agency. These tests assess:

  • possibility of electric shocks;
  • leakage of toxic substances to humans;
  • exposure to electromagnetic fields;
  • explosions;
  • interference in air services.

Each approved equipment receives an official seal from the agency, containing the certification number, barcode and agency mark.

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The General Law Anatel Antenas aims to expand access to network and communication services in Brazil. 

To this end, the regulatory body has established a series of facilitating measures for the implementation of new network structures, with less bureaucracy and more cost reduction. 

After all, democratizing access to digital solutions is essential for the development of the country.

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