Anatel Seal: Know the Importance of Homologation of Appliances

If you've ever been eyeing buying a mobile phone, or any other type of imported or national electronic devices, you may have followed news about how these products received the Anatel label. 

Receiving this seal is one of the most important signs of homologation of the product for use within the national territory.

But what does that mean? Why is this process so important? And how do I know if my electronic device is approved by Anatel? 

This is a topic that generates many doubts. If any of them are yours, we invite you to read this article.

In it, we will talk about the Anatel seal and its importance for the safety of electronic devices throughout Brazil. 

Shall we learn more about it? 

What is the Anatel seal?

The Anatel seal is proof that the product was considered safe for commercialization and use, since it meets the quality and performance standards imposed in rigorous tests performed by Anatel. 

This small seal is able to attest to the consumer that the device in question is compatible with Brazilian networks, works within the safety standards and also has guarantees and technical assistance conditions. 

An original Anatel seal needs to have the company logo and the approval number, which is composed of 12 digits grouped into 3 different blocks. The code may look like this: HHHHH-AA- FFFFF.

The 'H' refers to the serial number, which is unique and exclusive to the product in the anatel homologation register. Meanwhile, 'A' refers to the type-approval year and 'F' is the product manufacturer's code.

Importance of the Anatel seal

All electronic products sold in Brazil are inspected by Anatel. This includes mobile phones, televisions, Internet provider equipment, and other telecommunications devices. 

It is through this monitoring that the agency guarantees the quality and safety of products to consumers.

The main indication of a device regulated by the agency is the presence of the Anatel seal.

On smartphones, they are usually located at the rear of the device, more specifically in the battery region.

When there is no space on the device, the badge is inserted into the Mobile User Manual. 

In chargers, for example, the label is clearly visible on the wider part of the peripheral.

That way, whenever you buy an electronic product, be sure to check for the seal.

How to check the seal of Anatel?

anatel seal how to check

One of the ways to verify the validity of the seal is through the Mosaic platform, launched by the regulatory body in 2016. 

In the space indicated, enter the sequence of numbers and codes that appears on the seal of the device, usually located on the back — as indicated just above.

Then click the "Filter" button to receive all information about the device, such as model and manufacturer name. You can also consult other information about the mobile phone by clicking on the magnifying glass icon. 

When you do this, the page displays all the manuals and certificates of the tests that the item passed.

What are the risks of failure to type-approval? 

After all, is it so important that my electronic device has the Anatel seal? Yes, it is. 

Without the approval, there is no guarantee that the device in question will work as expected, since it has not undergone quality tests. These tests assess, for example, the safety of batteries and chargers. 

This approval is also able to identify whether the technical construction of the device offers all the functionalities to function properly within the national territory, using the correct 4G ranges, for example. 

How do I know if the Anatel seal is fake?

Do you suspect that your device has a counterfeit Anatel seal? The probability of this happening is very low, but it is not impossible. 

Agency surveillance is extremely effective in barring counterfeits like this, but some devices can evade monitoring. 

In this sense, if you believe that you have purchased a product of dubious origin, identify the seal on the device. Once that's done, there are two ways to attest to its veracity.

One of them is through the Mosaic site, as we explained above. Another way is through the 

When accessing it, simply enter the numbering that appears on the badge and click "Search". If true, the corresponding device will appear in the results.

How to check if a cell phone is homologated?

anatel seal how to check cell phone

You can also check if a particular mobile device is approved on the Mosaic platform.

Here's the step by step to check if a cell phone has passed the agency's strict quality criteria.

Access the Mosaic platform

Keep at hand the approval number that is written on your device. It is usually located at the back of the cell phone.

You can also ask the seller for the number in order to consult the approval. 

Fill in the site information

Fill in the requested information on the search page. One of the data requested is the date of approval – which can be found directly on the seal.

In the 'applicant' field fill in the name of the company that entered the application for approval.

Usually, the name is the same as the manufacturer, but this may vary, mainly for handsets imported from China. 

In the 'product type' field, choose the 'mobile phone mobile phone' category.

Click 'filter'

The page will then show all templates that match the criteria you meet on the previous pages.

You can more easily see if the model has been approved using the 'product model' column.

Read also: Anatel Mosaic: Learn How the System Works.

Anatel Certification Seal: how to achieve?

The first step in achieving the approval of your product with Anatel is to contact a Designated Certification Body, known as OCD.

This body will then recommend a laboratory duly qualified by Anatel, and the product will be tested

Here are some products that can be approved by Anatel:

  • Cell Phone;
  • Battery for cell phone;
  • Cell phone chargers;
  • Restricted radiation transceivers
  • XDSL modem.

We'll talk more about some of them in the next topic. 

Before that, it is important to note that there are other products, which need periodic approval to continue being marketed. They are:

  • Antennas;
  • Radars;
  • Digital Transceiver;
  • Digital Switching Center;
  • Rectifier Systems.

Looking for training or certification with ANATEL? Get to know our services

What products need Anatel certification?

anatel seal which products need certification

As we explain, there are certain products that must have the homologation – that is, the Anatel seal – to be marketed in Brazil. Here are some of them:

Cell phones

Mobile phones need Anatel's approval, mainly because they use mobile, satellite and IP/Ethernet networks.


All drones require Anatel approval, even those intended for exclusive use for recreation. 

This is because the devices have radio frequency transmitters on their remote controls, which can cause interference in other communication services. 


A wide variety of modems must also be submitted to the approval process.

The type of connection and data output for these equipment includes analog signals, two-way communication, and digital xDSL, for example. 

Examples of products that do not require approval

There are also, of course, other products that do not need homologation to be marketed in Brazil.

For starters, electronic devices without communication functionality do not need the Anatel seal. Among them we can highlight some examples, such as:

  • Media players without wi-fi or bluetooth transmission;
  • Wired headphones;
  • Wired speakers;
  • External lenses for cameras;
  • Memory cards
  • GPS equipment without data transmission technology;
  • Infrared devices, such as remote controls;
  • No-Breaks;
  • AM/FM radio signal receivers;
  • Charger cables that are not dedicated to specific cell phones.

Criteria for product approval

Anatel's approval consists of rigorous tests, which help determine whether the device in question operates within the expected quality and performance standards. 

Anatel's approval may be divided into some risk factors. They are:

  • Exposure to electromagnetic fields within the limits determined by the World Health Organization (WHO);
  • Quality of the construction of the appliance in order to avoid leaks of toxic materials;
  • Probability of using the appliance result in electric shocks, or explosions;
  • Level of interference from the operation of the appliance in the operation of other devices.


In this article we talk about what is the Anatel seal and what its role is in the quality control of electronic devices that make up the communications network of Brazil. 

We explain which main devices need homologation and what criteria they are submitted to to achieve the Anatel seal and be marketed in national territory. 

We hope this has been an article with lots of information useful for you!

Remember that Master is always available to assist in homologation services. Visit our website to learn more about our work!

Also check out the startup consultancy offered by Master Certifications to assist you in the Anatel certification process quickly and simply!

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