Smart home: what it is and how to transform your home with technology

Imagine controlling the lighting of your home, or the operation of appliances directly on your mobile phone? Open the door for visitors, advance the preparation of the coffee, or just turn off a light you forgot on … the applications for this type of technology are many. 

All this may seem like a science fiction movie thing, but it's already possible thanks to smart home technology, a set of gadgets that – as its name suggests – makes your home smarter. 

If you want to know more about this concept, or how to apply it in your home, to make your routine more comfortable, this article has the information you seek. Check out!

What is smart home?

Also known as home automation, the concept of smart home serves to designate homes that have integrated and automated solutions that facilitate their remote management.

These solutions can be applied in communication, comfort or home safety. 

A smart home can be easily identified, as it has various devices connected to the internet, which can be controlled through smartphones, tablets or any other mobile devices. 

According to a study promoted by GfK, a German-based market research firm, 57% of Brazilian respondents say smart homes will gain more space in their lives within the next few years. 

Also according to the same survey, 80% of Brazilians say that Internet of Things applications should prioritize security and monitoring solutions. 

Soon after, with 78% of the public in their favor, consumers bet on technologies focused on lighting and energy, as well as entertainment and connectivity.

Advantages of a smart home

smart home advantages

As you can see, having a smart home, connected to the internet, has many advantages, both in the security and convenience aspects. 

We explain some details about the benefits of smart home below. Check it out! 


One of the great assets of connectivity related to domestic activities is security. With smart homes technology, you can monitor and control your home's functions with just a few clicks, even remotely.

Some of the most common elements of smart home, focused on monitoring and security purposes are smart cameras, which act as virtual gatekeepers. 

These devices broadcast videos in real time and can enable two-way communication, meaning you can listen and be heard at the same time.


Another great advantage of smart homes is the convenience it provides to its residents. 

With just a few settings, you can adjust the operation of various appliances, which will start operating automatically according to the guidelines configured. 

Let's say, for example, that you want to get home and have a cup of coffee waiting for you. You can set up your coffee maker to operate a few minutes before your arrival. 

You can also cancel the operation remotely if you are going to be late, or change plans on the way. The possibilities are many! 

Affordable technology

While all this technology seems like a sci-fi movie, today, it's safe to say that big tech companies already have solutions to automate functions in your home and make it a smart home. 

Some of the solutions we can highlight are: Google Home, Google; Amazon's Echo and Apple's Homepod. 

All these devices have voice assistants with artificial intelligence, able to accept various commands, trigger other devices and still do web searches. 

But virtual assistants aren't the only resources available and easily accessible when it comes to smart homes. 

There are also motion sensors, smart switches and smart lamps. We'll talk about some of these devices in the next few topics. Continue following the article to learn more about it… 

5 products that will make your home smart

smart home products

Those who adapt their homes to make them smarter know that this is a path without a return. The convenience, convenience and safety these devices provide is a difficult feature to give up as you experience all its advantages. 

Next, we'll talk about some of the key products used to turn a traditional home into a real smart home. Read now:

1. Wi-Fi plug adapter

Wi-Fi plug adapters are capable of turning any appliance into a smart feature.

These adapters can be controlled remotely through applications, turning the appliance on or off whenever necessary. 

2. Smart switch

The smart switch, meanwhile, is a device that also allows control of house lighting remotely.

The user can schedule operating cycles, or control the switches through virtual assistants such as Google or Amazon. 

3. Smart lamp

For those looking for more customization in their home, smart bulbs are a great choice. 

They can usually be controlled through applications or remote controls. In these software, it is possible to change the light tone, adjust its brightness and, in some cases, even play with rgb tones.

They also allow remote programming. You won't have to worry about turning off the lights when you leave, as you can do it from your phone, from anywhere. Also, you can program to have the lights on when you get back on. 

4.Digital lock with biometrics

Anyone who has had the experience of being locked outside their own home knows the frustration that a situation like this can generate. 

The good news is that there are already technologies to solve this problem, and one of them is the digital lock, with biometrics. 

This smart lock allows you to securely lock doors, creating input settings for different users. 

That way, all the people who need access have it guaranteed, with all the security and practicality you seek. 

5. Universal infrared control center

Universal control is one of the most common devices in smart homes. It allows the control of devices such as tv, air conditioner, speakers and appliances from other rooms. 

With the universal infrared control center you can adjust the operation of all these devices before you even get home, through your mobile device. 

What do you need in every environment of your smart home?

What you need in every environment

To build your smart home, you can use numerous devices in each environment. This process may seem complicated, but one way to make it easier is to use the same appliances in more than one room, such as smart bulbs. 

Security cameras, for example, can also be installed in the bedroom or in the living room to monitor pets or young children. 

In yet, there are energy-saving solutions that can be applied in every room. See more tips below.


Creating a smart kitchen is an excellent way to make this environment more practical, safe, affordable and comfortable in a smart home. The devices that will make a difference in this room are:

  • refrigerator with central hub: models with screen on the door allow you to view everything inside, through cameras, in addition to working with control hubs for other integrated devices;
  • Smart hot side: cooktops stoves and ovens, smart microwave and smart airfryer are examples of appliances that can transform the day to day in the kitchen. In addition to controlling temperature and energy consumption, they can connect to other devices for revenue suggestion;
  • Economical dishwasher: recent models are smarter because they save water and energy, and clean utensils more efficiently. Smart versions are able to connect to other devices to enhance the washecycle and have voice assistant support.


In addition to your kitchen, invest in smart devices to transform your room in a warm, practical and comfortable environment. Here are some handout tips:

  • Smart lamp: Smart bulbs can be controlled by mobile phones and tablets via Bluetooth connection and Wi-Fi. Thus, you can adjust the emitted colors and the intensity of the light, in addition to turning it on and off easily;
  • LED tape: great device to make up the ambiance of environments, especially the rooms. Just like smart bulbs, one can control the color variation and intensity of the light emitted via mobile phones and tablets by bluetooth or wi-fi connection;
  • Smart Plugs: Smart sockets are good supports for your smart room. They can be plugged into traditional sockets and allow you to control any device connected to them, via wi-fi or bluetooth via tablets and mobile phones;
  • Smart Switch: This device is connected to the home's electrical network, enabling the control of light activation via application. It is a solution of security and economy, such as programming times to turn the light on and off;
  • Smart Speaker: Exist in versions with and without screen to facilitate the day to day. They look good in the rooms or in any other room in the house. They act as a voice command centraliser to control connected devices.


smart home voice assistant

You don't need to set up a super futuristic house to have your smart living room. Even some of the devices used in the room can be incorporated into this environment as well. Check out our suggestions:

  • Smart socket: Smart sockets can be installed throughout the house, including in the room to control the operation of various appliances such as TVs, air conditioners, home theaters and others;
  • Smart Lamp: Another used for the smart lamp is to put it in the living room to transform the climate of the environment. In a home cinema session, for example, it is possible to adjust the color and intensity of light to make the room more cozy;
  • Echo Dot with Alexa: Amazon's smart speaker is one of the most popular voice assistants today. With this device, you can control various electronics in the room and other rooms of the house easily, in addition to receiving information about the weather and playing music on streaming services;
  • Smart Luminaire : Another appliance that can make your environment super cozy. This model is to be installed on plaster ceilings and is compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant. It can also be controlled by mobile phone, creating routines to light up and erase. Another differential is that it does not emit heat;


One of the best ways to assemble a smart bathroom is by installing different appliances with smart sensors. These devices serve to optimize water expenditure and bring more practicality to your day. The options are:

  • Discharge with sensor: much of the bathroom water expense happens in the toilet. With the sensor discharge valve, it is possible to reduce this waste. It is triggered whenever you approach it, releasing the required amount of water at a time, saving 70% water;
  • Faucet with sensor: Right after discharge, the faucet is another factor of water expenditure in the bathroom. The sensor faucet opens only when it detects the presence of the hand and closes automatically when you move away, saving up to 80% water;
  • trash can with sensor: excellent option for those who do not like to contact the bathroom trash. The sensor bin opens only when it identifies the presence of the hand nearby and closes itself when you leave close to it;
  • soap dish with sensor: With the soap dish with sensor, you end up with the waste of soap. It is triggered when you place the palm of your hand underneath it, releasing the exact amount of product at a time. It can be installed on the sink countertop or on the wall;
  • sensor shower: Sensor showers help save energy, water, and use solar heater and have support for remote control in order to program the temperature and power of the jets for the bath. It also allows you to set the maximum time the shower is turned on.


Smart homes are already part of many people's gift, offering not only more practicality and convenience, but also safety. 

Currently, there are several options to make a house more connected, among them we highlight the virtual assistants, the plug adapters and the digital locks, controlled by biometrics. 

In this article, we talk about the advantages of having a smart home and what devices can be used to make your home more connected. We hope that the information has been enlightening! 

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