
Anatel Certification Products: what are they and why this is important

Certification is a required process for all telecommunications products in Brazil. Certification is carried out by the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) via a Designated Certification Organism (OCD) and is usually the last stage in the process of complying with the quality standards expected of telecommunications services. The list of telecommunications devices that require certification in […]


What is telecommunications and the future trends in the industry

You must have heard of telecommunications or telecomm before, right? This term is used a lot nowadays, but usually with a very broad approach, and thus it can be hard to understand what it means or what it refers to. For starters, you should know that the term comes from the Greek “Tele”, which means […]

What is Anatel? 4 Functions and How to Consult Certifications

Do you know what Anatel is? As with many people, that name is probably not strange to you. However, a large part of the population cannot say what the function of the National Telecommunications Agency is. In a way, the agency is responsible for safeguarding consumer rights related to telecommunications services throughout the country. There […]

IoT in Agriculture: 5 Advantages and New Applications in the Sector

Producing more, better, with lower costs and in a sustainable way has always been a challenge for agribusiness. But with advances in technology, especially the Internet of Things, we can see the application of IoT in agriculture and its numerous facilities. In this sense, agricultural work has been equipped with tools and transformative techniques, especially […]

Anatel Surveillance: What It Is, Importance and How It Works!

On May 22, 2021, there was a large Anatel inspection with the distributors of telecommunications equipment to seal and seize unapproved and uncertified equipment in seven states.  The inspection team has so far counted 10,225 irregular products sealed and seized. The work was carried out with a focus on network products, such as: restricted radiation […]

IoT Devices: What It Is, Types, Advantages, and Examples [Guide]

Have you heard of IoT devices? Before we delve into this concept, it is important to clarify the definition of the Internet of Things. IoT consists of connectivity between devices and systems, capable of exchanging information with each other.  For this to happen, these devices have sensors that facilitate data collection and analysis, transforming decision-making […]

IoT in Industry: What It Is, Benefits and 4 Applications

IoT in industry is already a reality. The internet of things in the industrial sphere comes to integrate and optimize operations throughout the production chain.  It is another aspect of modernization of the business, as well as professionalization before the regulatory agencies of economic activity. Check with us what is IIOT or Internet of Industrial […]

Notícias ANATEL Master Certificações

Act 423 which represents an update on the previous act for Restricted Radiation Devices

ANATEL has recently released its Act423/2022 which represents an update on the previous act for Restricted Radiation Devices (former Act nº 14448, of December 04th, 2017). In a nutshell, here are the modifications established via Act 423/2022: Item 9.5 – ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD VARIATION TRANSMITTER-SENSOR – Definition for maximum measurement frequency (220GHz) Inclusion of item “9.7. […]