Internet of Things and their Applications in Education [+Examples]

The Internet of Things and its applications in education is a subject on the agenda at this time of hybrid education. Does it bring real benefits? Follow the article and find out!

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Internet of Things and its applications in education: After all, what is IoT?

What is the Internet of Things? Forbes magazine conceived IoT technology as "the connection of any device with an on-off button to the Internet". 

Smartphones, traffic apps, automotive vehicles, various equipment can connect to the internet through IoT. 

You can already imagine the impact of the internet of things on society, right? And how can the Internet of Things be applied in education? In many ways!

How can the Internet of Things be applied in education?

The teaching-learning process has been following the digital transformation. Innovation and technology invaded the classroom and became fundamental for any educational institution. 

Every day, we see the internet of things and their applications in education grow. This is because it brings many benefits, such as:

  • Improvements in management, governance and educational administration;
  • Professional development of teachers;
  • Quality of teaching and learning.

Thinking about the internet of things in the school's day-to-day life is therefore to have a future-oriented vision. And where can we apply the Internet of Things? How can the Internet of Things be applied in education?

internet of things in education

Interactive learning and educational apps

How can the student better assimilate the content in this new hybrid education model made possible also with e-learning platforms?

With the internet of things and their applications in education, such as interactive learning.

With different platforms and media, the teacher shares digital content and makes the classes more dynamic and interesting.

Students interact with each other and with teachers, participate in collaborative projects, ask questions, and can study the content that will be worked on in the classroom in advance. 

Educational apps play this role well in fostering students' interaction with content and diversifying learning possibilities, even from a distance.

A highlight is that they allow the use of strategies such as gamification.

Meet challenges with creativity by simulating a game? It sounds like every child's dream, but it's a good strategy for any age.

Having your own communication apps between institution, parents and students is also a great idea. It's the Internet of Things and its applications in education.

This technology favors the student's protagonism, and the teacher, instead of being the holder of knowledge, assumes the role of mediator. It is undoubtedly one of the examples of IoT in education.


Is it possible to use the internet of things on a daily life, facilitating the learning of people with special needs? Yes.

There are IoT devices and useful activity customization applications to address this group of students.

This is one of the examples of the internet of things and their applications in education. Students, when they have access to facilitated education, feel more motivated and participatory in the school environment.

Connection between school spaces

What is the impact of the internet of things on society? Countless, depending on the environment in which it is applied.

But a word will always be present when we talk about the internet of things in the day to day: connection.

Think of the internet of things in education: an overview. The first thing that comes to mind is to allow new interactions between students and teachers, but little is known that it is able to connect all the objects and spaces existing in the school. 

A smartphone is enough for a person to access the lab, check the availability of books in the library, or buy snacks in the canteen. 

This integration generates important data about students' habits and preferences, including. Managers, parents and teachers can monitor the development of students from this information and make better decisions.

Another great demonstration of the Internet of Things and its applications in education.

internet benefits of things in education


When we think of the internet of things, impact on everyday life and other applications, security is a common theme. In basic education, this gains even more importance, because we are dealing with minors. 

In this respect, how can the Internet of Things be applied in education? In several ways:

  • Avoid unexpected incidents with the use of computer vision, which can trigger alerts to coordinators if a student is circulating at the time they should be in the classroom or in an inappropriate place;
  • Observe students' behavior with monitoring technologies, such as intelligent camera vision;
  • Monitor the location of students to see if they are fulfilling mandatory curriculum activities.

Think of the internet of things: examples. These actions we have just mentioned exemplify the internet of things and their applications in education.

They also bring us a notion of what the impact of the Internet of Things on society does not?

Control of inums

In the management aspect, we can also think about the Internet of Things, impact on everyday life. How much does the school spend on insum? IoT technology performs a careful record of consumption in the institution and makes cost forecasts. 

This contributes to improving management in education, but also the comfort of students.

From devices installed in refrigerators and pantry, it is possible to identify the amount of products that leave those spaces. 

There are also more modern technologies that perform product replacement orders directly from devices, based on the amount of items stored.

Let's think more about the Internet of Things: examples.

Examples of IoT in education

What would be the examples of IoT in education in practice? 

One of them is the use of libraries. There is a very modern technology, called OrCam MyEye, which is used as an eyeglass. It allows you to read any book from a library by a visually impaired user, for example. Your user can also recognize faces and identify products.  

Still on the Internet of Things and their applications in education, we have examples of promoting accessibility.

With the use of a special card connected to the computer, the font size of a document is automatically enlarged. The visually impaired user becomes more independent.

Have you ever thought about registering the student's presence in the classroom without making the call? There are a few ways we do this with the internet of things. 

There are technologies that recognize devices connected to the school's Wi-Fi network. Others identify students by cameras with facial identification sensor.

There is also a set of receivers and signal transmitters that, when triangulation of the classroom, identify the presence of the student's smartphone.

The Internet of Things has an impact on everyday school life in many ways. Examples of IoT in education are numerous, and the choice of technologies depends solely on the institution's manager.

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The Internet of Things and its applications in education are the result of the innovation of the school environment. It can serve for accessibility, security, interactive learning and more!

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