Anatel Certification Products: what are they and why this is important

Certification is a required process for all telecommunications products in Brazil.

Certification is carried out by the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) via a Designated Certification Organism (OCD) and is usually the last stage in the process of complying with the quality standards expected of telecommunications services.

The list of telecommunications devices that require certification in Brazil is very specific.

Consequently, companies operating in this sector must pay attention to the categories and requirements that apply to their products in order to fully comply with regulations.

In this article, we will highlight products certified by Anatal and the requirements for their certification. Check it out!

What are certified products?

In order to be commercialized in Brazil, communication products must first be certified by Anatel. This process determines if equipment operates correctly and especially if their operation represents any risk to human health.

Certification must take place before products are available for sale, that is before they reach stores. Anatel believes this process protects consumers and prevents issues in the use of these devices, as well as ensuring quality standards for communication in the country.

What defines if a product must be certified?

Anatel regulations about product certification are related to the type of technology these devices use to broadcast signals.

This means Anatel does not have a permanent list of products that must be submitted for certification, but in fact, analyzes the technologies included in products that are about to join the market in order to define if certification will or will not be needed.

According to these criteria, all types of products that use wi-fi technology, for example – tablets, notebooks, media streaming devices – must be certified.

That is also the case with other devices with radio transmission capabilities, such as modern cameras, video game consoles, smart TVs, and printers.

The same criteria apply to Bluetooth transmission, including products such as wireless earphones and GPS devices with Bluetooth data transmission.

Another criteria to select products that need certification is an assessment of the importance of certain components for the data transmission system.

This criterion is related to the types of cables and connectors that are essential to specific communication systems and thus require certification. Mobile phone components, such as batteries and charging cables, must also be submitted for certification.

Certification for telecommunications products

Most telecommunications products must be subjected to the certification process before being commercialized or even used in Brazil.

This means that these products must conform to a series of specifications and undergo a series of tests to prove their safety for use and compliance with Brazilian telecommunications regulations.

Some of the main products that receive Anatel certification are mobile phones, landline modems, and radio wave broadcasting devices, that is, products that obviously employ telecommunications.

But there are other types of products and accessories that are not necessarily involved in signal broadcasting but still require certification. Mobile phone batteries and charging cables are two good examples of this.

Understanding the details of this list might be a key factor for companies interested in the Brazilian telecommunications market. Any company that is unfamiliar with this list may be subject to punishing measures due to not submitting products for certification.

These measures might range from the loss of commercialization rights to fines for

the inappropriate introduction of products in the market.

Criteria for product certification

All products certified by Anatel undergo rigorous testing and must follow certain criteria to have their sale authorized. These tests intend to define the following risk factors:

  • If exposure to electromagnetic fields is within the limits defined by the World Health Organization (WHO);
  • If the device’s structure might possibly lead to toxic materials leaking;
  • The chances of the product causing electrical shocks or exploding while in use;
  • If the device’s operation interferes with other services.

This demonstrates the importance of checking the certification of a telecomm product before buying it.

Examples of products that need Anatel Approval

Take a look at the list of products certified by Anatel:


Many types of phones and accessories need Anatel certification. These products include:

  • Landline telephones, for subscribers or public, including phone cards;
  • Phones that use mobile, satellite, and IP/Ethernet networks;
  • Other phone devices, such as answer machines, caller ID machines, blockers, alarms, and adapters.


Many types of modems must be submitted for certification. Connection and data output types include:

  • Analog signal;
  • Two-way communication;
  • Digital xDSL.

Devices with telecommunications functions

All devices with data transmission technologies must be certified by Anatel. These technologies are:

  • Wi-fi;
  • Bluetooth;
  • Short-distance radio signal transmitter devices, such as walkie-talkies and radio-controlled devices;
  • AM/FM or TV signal transmitters and transceivers.

Essential components for telecommunications systems

Some of the products certified by Anatel have an important role in the operation of telecommunications products, systems, or processes. These components include:

  • Mobile phone chargers and batteries
  • Transmitters, transceivers, multiplexers and signal amplifiers, wired or wireless;
  • Cables used for data transmission, such as optical, coaxial, UTP, STP, and phone cables, including their connectors;
  • Antennas used in data transmission;
  • Any kind of battery used in telecommunications systems.

Examples of products that do not require ANATEL approval

Now that you know which products must be certified by Anatel, it is time to find out which ones do not need certification. Take a look at the list below:

Devices with no telecommunications functions

Any device not involved in data transmission is exempt from Anatel Approval. Examples:

Media players with no components for wi-fi, Bluetooth, or any other signal transmission;

Mobile phone accessories not involved in communications and not essential for their main functions, such as wired earphones, wired speakers, external lenses, memory cards, stylus pens and protection covers;

SIM cards

Signal Receivers

Devices that take part in data transmission only as receiving terminals do not require certification. These include:

  • AM/FM radio signal receivers;
  • TVs without any sort of data transmission technology;
  • GPS devices without any sort of data transmission technology.

Support equipment

Devices that support or are part of telecommunications systems do not necessarily require Anatel certification. Some examples include:

Support equipment for data transmission cables, such as testing devices, tools, or insulation material.

Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) used in telecommunications systems;

Generic USB charging cables, unless they are meant for specific mobile phones.

Devices that emit infrared signals, such as remote controllers.


Products certified by Anatel undergo rigorous tests to determine if their performance is within expected and their operation follows safety standards defined by the relevant authorities.

Some of the products that need Anatel certification are landline and mobile telephones, modems, and devices that employ wi-fi or Bluetooth.

Some other products that do not perform communication themselves, but are connected to communication devices, must also be certified. An example of this category is mobile phone batteries and chargers.

It is important to remember that, before buying any telecommunications product, consumers must check if it has received Anatel certification. This is the only way to know for sure that the product does not pose risks to human health or has performance issues.

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