Official Letter N° 172/2021 – Update of the SAR measurement to 15mm

Notícias ANATEL Master Certificações

On September 13, 2021, the National Telecommunications Agency – ANATEL published Official Letter No. 172, which updates Act No. 1630/21, establishing the maximum permissible distance of 15 millimeters throughout the performance of the product compliance tests for SAR.

Below is the excerpt that was updated in Act No. 1630/21:

6.1.2. Separation Distance between the Mannequin and the TSC. SAR measurements under conditions where the portable terminal station operates close to the body should be performed within 15 mm of any part of the human body and not close to the ear.

IMPORTANT: For Certificates of Conformity with a validity period greater than 03/31/2022, the tests that prove compliance with the maximum distance defined in the Annex to Act 1630/21 must be presented at the time of maintenance of their certificates.

Access the full document: Official Letter no 172/2021/ORCN/SOR-ANATEL

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