Dear Customers,

We inform you that the SGCH system used by ANATEL for the publication of Homologations was replaced by the SCH Mosaico System, therefore, all queries must be carried out in the new system.

We emphasize that searches on validity and queries of Approval Certificates must be carried out in the new system (SCH Mosaico), as the old system (SGCH) is outdated.

Here is the link to the new access system: SCH MOSAICO

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Master is the Certification Body with the best technical quality and agility in the market. Contact our team and request a proposal!

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Anatel system, sch mosaic, mosaic, anatel mosaic, sgch, consultation of approval certificates, sch system. Anatel system, sch mosaic, mosaic, anatel mosaic, sgch, consultation of approval certificates, sch system. Anatel system, sch mosaic, mosaic, anatel mosaic, sgch, consultation of approval certificates, sch system. Anatel system, sch mosaic, mosaic, anatel mosaic, sgch, consultation of approval certificates, sch system. Anatel system, sch mosaic, mosaic, anatel mosaic, sgch, consultation of approval certificates, sch system.

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