Anatel Regulation: Three main functions for telecommunications

Anatel is one of the agencies linked to the Federal Government that handles processes related to telecommunications in Brazil, through the Anatel Regulation.. 

By Law 9.472, created in 1997, later called the General Telecommunications Law, the agency aims to implement and regulate telecommunications models in the country. 

Anatel strives for the delivery of an efficient and fair service to the customer, within the established standards and minimum standards of safety and quality. 

Thus, Anatel is responsible for ising standards, supervising services and approving products.

In 2006, Master Certificações received, by designation of Anatel, by act no. 57860, the authorization to exercise, on its behalf, the homologation of products. So when you seek Anatel certification, we have what you need!

Anatel Regulation: What does Anatel regulate?

Although linked to the Ministry of Communications, Anatel has administrative independence and financial autonomy. 

All Anatel regulations and standards to be approved by the body are decided in consensus by public consultation and its decisions need to be justified. 

In certain cases, public hearings are held for the face-to-face manifestation of society. 

The minutes of meetings and documents relating to the decisions of the Board of Directors and the performance of Anatel are available to the public in the Agency Library.

There are several of Anatel's competencies and, among the most important are:

  • implementation of national telecommunications policy;
  • regulation and supervision of the fixed and mobile telephony sector;
  • intermediation of conflicts between operators and consumers;
  • ensuring the population's access to telecom services;
  • encouraging the expansion of networks;
  • promoting competition between providers and
  • quality assurance of the services provided by operators.

Anatel has its eyes very focused on consumer protection, establishing a code, called the General Regulation of Consumer Rights of Telecommunications Services, the RGC. Among the main practices of the RGC, we can highlight:

  • recorded connections, regardless of the origin of the connection;
  • automated cancellation of services;
  • consumer space in the online environment, with all the necessary information;
  • and many others.
what is the function of anatel

What is the meaning of the acronym Anatel and what is its function?

Anatel is the acronym designated as the National Telecommunications Agency, the state entity responsible for regulating the Brazilian telecommunications sector, supervising, editing standards and mediating conflicts between operators and consumers. 

Before Anatel emerged in the late 1990s, more precisely in 1997, the supply of telecommunications services (TV, internet, mobile telephony and fixed) was exclusive to the state, with a monopoly of Telebrás, a federal public company. 

Thus, without competition, the communication model was problematic: expensive telephone lines and unmet demands. 

At that time, it is estimated that about 80% of the country's telecommunications lines were in the hands of classes A and B, meaning it was a privilege for the few.

In addition, there was a wait that could last up to five years, in some cases, for a family to get a landline at home, being considered a luxury item by society. 

Thinking of offering services to a larger contingent of the population, the Federal Government decided to open the market for other companies to explore the sector. 

The General Telecommunications Law established that the State would not provide the services, but would regulate them, to ensure competitiveness between providers and quality of services for the benefit of users. This was the first function in charge of Anatel.

Anatel Regulation: Three main functions for telecommunications

Among the functions performed by Anatel, it can be highlighted three that, without a doubt, are the central point and great guarantee of the delivery of good products and services to telecommunications consumers.

Customer Service

Every day, thousands of protocols are cataloged at Anatel, due to problems of all kinds in the telecommunications sector.

Anatel, unlike agencies such as PROCON, does not act directly in solving the problem, it is only a means of communication, it makes the means of field between service provider and end customer. 

After contacting the carrier and not obtaining the adjustments it needs, the customer can file a complaint with Anatel, which notifies the operator and establishes a period of five working days to resolve the issue, under penalty of a fine. 

If the problem persists, the customer can reopen the complaint. If the request is still not made, Anatel instructs the consumer to take action in the judiciary. 

It's wrong who thinks the agency's service ends up in the complaint. At the end of each procedure, the complainant makes an assessment of the company. Gathering this data, Anatel collects data and evaluates the providers. 

Persistent complaints and inadequate care, for example, can generate penalties for companies, which can start from warnings, but also reach multimillion-dollar fines or temporary suspensions of activities.

anatel customer service

Product certification

All telecommunications products, such as smartphones, tablets and internet connection devices, go through Anatel's analysis and evaluation before reaching the shelves for the end consumer.

The products undergo a certification of technical conformity, which is made by the Designated Certification Bodies (OCDs), and it is up to Anatel to issue an act of approval, a procedure in which it recognizes the certificates of conformity.

Standards setting and editing standards

It is with standards stipulated by Anatel that a minimum standard of safety and quality rules was built in the services provided, as well as in the products offered on national soil.

In addition to establishing standards, the telecommunications agency is responsible for editing standards as technology advances and new products and services that want to be part of the market. 

How does Master help you with Anatel Regulation?

The process of certifying a product with Anatel begins with the contact of the company that needs the document with a Designated Certification Body, known as OCD. The Master is an OCD.

The company conducts conformity assessment processes for telecommunications products within the framework of compulsory certification and issues the corresponding certificates of conformity. 

Master is responsible for the entire process of granting the necessary documents for approval with Anatel. 

Learn more through our website and secure your certificates.


Anatel regulation is a regulatory body process that makes sure to offer the best telecommunications experience to consumers. 

Whether it's customer service, product certification or establishing rules that make products and services work as best they can, count on Anatel. And, of course, with the Master!

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