Brazilian Strategy for Digital Transformation

[:p b] At the invitation of the Secretariat of Computer Policy of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications (SEPIN/MCTIC), Master Certifications as OCD (Certifying Body Designated by Anatel) was invited to participate in the launch ceremony of the Public Consultation that aims at contributions to the Brazilian Strategy for Digital Transformation (EBTD), in conjunction with the competent sectors of the scientific field, government, productive and civil society. We, master certifications, decided to share this idea and extend the participation also to our customers and partners so that they can also participate in this opportunity to participate in the process. Master In the initial stage of preparation of the EBTD, an Interministerial Working Group was set up, which engaged in the formulation of the basic document of the Brazilian Strategy for Digital Transformation, convening thematic subgroups, sectoral meetings and four seminars. The Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications participates in this Working Group; Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Services; Ministry of Planning, Development and Management; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ministry of Justice and Public Security; Ministry of Culture; Ministry of Defense; the Office of Institutional Security and the National Telecommunications Agency – ANATEL. This provides broad engagement of representatives of the government, the private sector and civil society in the process of building the Strategy. This is a work still in progress, which can benefit much from the contributions from the Public Consultation on this base document and will be available until 31/08/2017 at 23h59. To participate in the Public Consultation to formulate the Brazilian Strategy for Digital Transformation click on the following button: Register[:]

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