Paulínia has debate on "Smart and Sustainable Cities" and is sponsored by Master

The City of Paulínia, through the Municipal Secretariat of Economic Development, promoted on August 16, the 1st Paulínia Technology and Innovation Meeting (M.P.T.I). With the theme "Sustainable Cities, Smart Cities", the event had as speaker the Master in Sociology, Sérgio Abranches, political scientist with PhD from Cornell University and also daily commentator of the CBN radio network on Ecopolitics. In addition to Abranches, which presented data and reflections on the national scenario, M.P.T.I. also had the participation of the Assistant Secretary of Energy of the State of São Paulo, Antônio Celso, who brought a state overview on the subject.

The event brought together experts, political authorities and representatives of civil society to discuss new models of Public Management. To bring the academic view on the subject, the Director of the Scientific and Technological Park of the University of Campinas (Unicamp), Eduardo Gurgel, was invited.

Rui Rabelo, Secretary of Economic Development of Paulínia, spoke about the challenges faced by the municipality in the search for the construction of a sustainable, modern, intelligent and innovative city.

For the Closing Panel, representatives from NEC (one of the world's largest global providers of integrated Information and Communication Technology solutions), Huawei (global leader in information solutions technology in the industry and communications) and Furukawa (world reference in optical fiber manufacturing) were attended by representatives of NEC (one of the largest global providers of integrated information and communication solutions).

"We have followed in recent decades a disordered growth of municipalities, where the structure and public services do not keep up with growth. In view of this concern, it is clear the need for discussion around the subject and its problems. And it is precisely at this moment that the debate proposed by M fits.P.T.I.: more than growing, Paulínia wants to evolve", warns the mayor of Paulínia, Dixon Carvalho.

According to him, growing and expanding economically is the longing of every municipality. However, caution, responsibility and, mainly, management strategies to grow in a healthy way, must be exercised. "It is essential that health, safety, education, culture, sports, urban mobility, economic and social development services accompany this demand, thus ensuring an increasing quality of life for the citizens of our city," dixon said.

Carried out by the City Hall of Paulínia, the M.P.T.I. had the institutional support of Ciesp Campinas, Fiesp, Unicamp, Inova Indústria, Inova Unicamp and sponsorship of some companies, including Master Certifications.

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