What documents should you request from the manufacturer?

[:p b] First, in order for us to classify the equipment according to ANATEL's rules and list all tests applicable to the product(s), as well as to evaluate the possibility of product family formation (if applicable), we need to receive from the manufacturer the following information:

  • Technical Specifications (Data Sheet), containing: operating frequency range, technology employed, modulation, type of product feeding and whether it has accessories;
  • External Photos (all views, including the rear face of the equipment);
  • Internal Photographs (necessary whenever the customer is interested in certifying a family of products, because ANATEL imposes some rules regarding the criterion of family formation and internal photos are the only way to prove compliance with such mandatory conditions).

Subsequently, when the client agrees with the contracting of the Certification & Homologation, it will be necessary to:

  • Copy of the valid ISO9001 certificate and whose scope of manufacture includes the type of equipment being approved;
  • Letter of commercial representation, in which the manufacturer authorizes the Brazilian company to be the applicant for approval with ANATEL.
  • User manual in Portuguese;
  • Photo of ANATEL seal on product;
  • Electrical scheme of the product;
  • Specific statements (e.g. proof of similarity of the models that make up a particular family, etc.).


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